Exceed Your Goals

CrossFit Programs for All Levels

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Your Trusted Partner in Fitness and Health

Our Philosophy
CrossFit Exceed is a community‑friendly style gym that welcomes all levels of athletes. From beginners who are seeking to start their CrossFit journey to those who have years of experience, we support something for everyone. The CFEX community, including our coaches, supports our athletes and encourages one another to challenge each other, have fun and succeed to the best of their ability. Our coaching staff is highly focused on educating each individual about CrossFit and exceeding their goals for health and wellness. Our community atmosphere is what gets our coaches excited to train our people every day. There is no other place like it.

Membership Pricing

CrossFit 3 Times/Week

CrossFit Unlimited

CrossFit Couples Unlimited

Session Rates

Drop-In Class

10 Sessions

25 Sessions

Program Schedule


CrossFit - Fri, Jan 17

:20/:20 Active Scorpion Stretch

:30 Alternating Active Pigeon Stretch

:20/:20 Samson Stretch

2 Sets: For Quality

5 Snatch Romanian Deadlifts

4 Hang Snatch High Pull

3 Muscle Snatch

2 Overhead Squats

1 Snatch Balance

3 Box Jumps, Building in Height

Then Add Loads, Coach Cued through 2-3 sets

2 Snatch Pulls

Rest 10 sec

1 Snatch

Snatch (Squat Snatch Every 90 seconds x 8 Sets 2 Snatch Pulls, Touch & Go Rest 10 seconds 1 Squat Snatch)


You will perform 2 Snatch Pulls with the focus on maintaining an upright torso with tension throughout the pull, then set the bar down, reset and hit a quality single on the Snatch.

% is Based on 1RM Squat Snatch

Looking for sets to be done @ 80-90% of 1RM.

Record Each Working Weight

“Climbing To Freedom" (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

10:00 AMRAP

12 Wall Balls

8 Deadlifts

4 Box Jumps

Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg

Barbell: 225/155lb, 102/70kg

Box Height 30/24''


Goal: 6+ Rounds

Primary Objective: Move smoothly between each station with minimal transition time. Push for unbroken Wall Balls and Deadlifts, then attack the Box Jumps confidently.

Secondary Objective: Consistent Pace Round to Round

Stimulus: High-intensity Triplet /Posterior Chain Dominant

RPE: ~8/10

Expect to feel breathless but still able to hold form. Pace yourself to avoid early burnout, but push near your threshold for the entire 10-minute duration.

[Climbing to Freedom: Levels] (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)

Level 2:
10:00 AMRAP
12 Wall Balls
8 Deadlifts
4 Box Jumps

Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg
Barbell: 185/125lb, 84/57kg
Box Height 24/20’’

Level 1:
10:00 AMRAP
12 Wall Balls
8 Deadlifts
4 Bar Hops

Wall Ball: 14/10lb, 9/6kg
Barbell: 155/105lb, 70/48kg

Competitor / Rx+ :
10:00 AMRAP
12 Wall Balls
8 Deadlifts
4 Box Jumps

Wall Ball: 30/20lb, 14/9kg
Barbell: 275/185lb, 125/84kg
Box Height 30/24''

Masters 55+:
10:00 AMRAP
12 Wall Balls
8 Deadlifts
4 Box Jumps

Wall Ball: 20/14lb, 9/6kg
Barbell: 155/105lb, 70/48kg
Box Height 24/20’’

Big Class:
As prescribed

Limited Equipment
10:00 AMRAP
16 Air Squats
12 Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts
6 Bench Jump Overs

Dumbbells: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg


PRVN Recovery #1

1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch

1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch

1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch

1:00/1:00 Pigeon Stretch

Optional Accessories (Checkmark)

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